Gold Coast Running Festival

Posted By Brenton Lockrey  

Team Watts took on the Gold Coast Running Festival 10K with 10 eager runners itching to get behind a start line.

As always Coach Watts had us doing a 2-3k warm up to get the legs moving along with some strides. The atmosphere was awesome with runners warming up and people chatting about the upcoming race and what pace they wanted to archive. The weather was more summer than spring with 90% humidity, we were definitely in for a warm one!

6:45am and we were off! Leading the team to the first Km was Jason with Shiloh not too far behind. Brenno and Andrew had a little plan to pace each other and following them was Landon, Erica, Erin, Matt, Hermieny and Chris all up to the task of tackling this 10K! What the Team did not know was the sneaky hills that would creep up on them at the 1.7k and again at the 7-8Km mark. By the 7th Km everyone was feeling the pinch and was no doubt cursing the coach for not doing more hill sessions, but seeing everyone out on course and cheering each other on was motivating as we all loved the nice down hill on the 9th Km.

Everyone dug deep for this run and had some awesome results coming across the line Jason in 36:12 & 1st AG, Shiloh 36:55 & 1st AG, Brenno 38:19 new PB, Andrew 39:08, Erica 41:10 & 1st AG, Landon 41:32, Erin 44:33 PB & 2nd in AG Matt 46:15 & 2nd in AG, Hermieny 52:27 and Chris 1:08:57.

While the team was running the 10K and only had to do the hills once, we had Carly smashing the Half Marathon and running those hills TWICE ! Running the first half in a very nice 48:09, as the crowd cheered Carly knew what she was in for on the second lap and that did not stop her from marching on and getting it done. Finally running down the big hill for the last time and Cbus Stadium looming in the horizon she put the hammer down with a smashing 4:38km last km to cross the line in 1:38:07! Congrats on your run Carly.

Awesome running by Team Watts with plenty of AG wins some PB’s and overall fun event. Here is what some of the team thought of the event and their run.

Jason: It was great being out for a race again!  The course and weather conditions were a bit tough with the first sharp hill about 1.5K in and then the long incline on the way back up to the 8K mark taking it out of me a bit. I felt pretty good for the first half but the return was a bit of a struggle with that long incline and humidity.  The last 2K starts well with that sharp decent back into the flat but felt like a such long way heading back into the stadium for the finish.  I was hoping to get into the 35s and got close which I’m happy with given the course and conditions.

Landon: That was a tough one for the first race back - the course certainly wasn't an easy one. I can't say I was enjoying it too much going up that hill about 3km from the end, but a good reminder of what it feels like to be back in the hurt locker!

Overall, though, it was great to be back doing an event, and a fantastic morning out with the crew.

Erin: I was happy with my pacing and felt like I finished strong which was a nice feeling 🙂 was very happy once I got to the 8k mark and we got a downhill! Was nice to see other Watts runners out on the course 🙂

Chris: I felt fat and slow. Should have got Shiloh to coach me. (Chris, we would love to have you full time on our Team! Shiloh 😊)

Erica: Tough course. It was hot today and I didn't get the PB I was hoping for, but it was nice to be out racing.

Next road race is Jetty 2 Jetty, and we look forward to seeing everyone at the start line! If you are interested in any of our programs or looking to get a head start for the Gold Coast 50K Event please drop us an email or hit the link below 

Start Now! 

See you all at Jetty 2 Jetty!! 

Team Watts