Watts Team Shine At Brisbane Road Runners

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Could not ask for a better start to 2021 and for our new club taking out the women’s 5K podium and 2 of 3 in the Men’s 5K.

With a new Brisbane running club filled with very talented runners, a hand full of Watts Athletes took to Brisbane Road Runners Club 5K race over the weekend. With the morning starting out quite cool, conditions quickly deteriorated by the 6am start time giving us a very humid run.

Shiloh, Andrew, Jade, Erica, Brenno and Cynthia all laced up for the 1 lap course, while David was set on the bigger challenge of 2 laps around West End. 6AM starts and is lead out by none other Shiloh followed by Andrew, Brenno, Erica and Jade. Cynthia was tucked nicely into a pack (coming off 2 wins the day before in the 300m  and 2k steeplechase events) looking to run under 27mins. By the first KM it was a battle between Shiloh and Andrew as to who will play the cat and who will play the mouse.

With Erica and Jade both throwing down sub 3:45km pace it was a great start by all. As the 2.5km mark approached the heat hit and the ‘cool’ breeze disappeared, everyone was left feeling the heat and humidity, it was time to dig deep and get this over with. And that is what they did. Andrew (18:04) taking the overall win followed by Shiloh (18:09) only few seconds behind and rounding out the women’s podium were Erica (19:16) and Jade (19:39) marking the first time Watts Athletics taking out the podium. Brenno (19:12) finished in 3rd place marking his 2nd time on the podium. Cynthia was on a mission and crossing the line in 26:05. While the 5K was done David was flying the flag for team watts on the 10k course and proving he is ready for 2021 crossing the finish line in 63mins.

Congratulations to everyone and special mention to Brisbane Road Runners Club for putting on a great and well-run event. (pun intended!)  

We will see you for the 5Mile champs in 2 weeks.

Remember to keep hydrated and run happy!